Friday, August 29, 2008

Harriet Palin

Watching Sarah Palin introduce herself to the world, all I could think about was Harriet Miers.
That same, eye-goggling effrontery of George Bush announcing to everyone that his White House counsel was the "best he could find for the job," the job, of course, being the nation's highest court. And more so, that same infuriating insinuation that choosing a woman necessitates a compromise in caliber - "sorry, folks, but we needed a lady, so we'll just have to make some sacrifices on the qualifications."

Palin is just so utterly unready for prime time. Inexperience is one thing, but the giddy demeanor and deeply unseriousness posture towards the challenges of the vice presidency (especially the role as second in command to an elderly cancer survivor) turns her into a punch line. She "promised her husband a surprise on their anniversary"? She never saw herself in public service, since she was always "just a hockey mom"? Part of me wishes Barack had picked Hillary Clinton after all - I would pay good money to watch HRC dismantle this twinkie in the debates.

Oh, and Sarah? It's pronounced nuCLEE-er.


Unknown said...

Couldn't agree more. The weird thing is that there are other qualified Republican women that were ready for the job. I would disagree with someone like Kay Bailey, but I wouldn't have challenged her fundamental capacity and readiness to handle the position. It speaks to Sen. McCain's priorities when he picks a person he's met only once -- country first?

a.tuttle said...

I still say he should have gone with Meg Whitman. Not exactly a looker (she's 52), but she has a Harvard MBA and Ebay's value increased 1200% during the ten years she was CEO. I guess there is the whole complete lack of foreign policy experience, so here's to hoping she'll end up as Obama Commerce Secretary.

Unknown said...

Oh, and also, I think she knows how to pronounce nuclear. I think liberals whining about pronunciation makes democrats seem snobby and disconnected.