Friday, August 8, 2008

dum DA de de duh duh duh, duh duh de duh...

The big day has already dawned and set in Beijing - and, according to James Fallows, all hope for favorable winds from Mongolia have been dashed:
"I simply do not have the heart to show what it looks like today -- August 8, the magical 08/08/08 chosen for its positive auspices for the Olympics. I'll just say, it looks very much like this view from six weeks ago. This is a disaster...
I suppose there's also a one-percent possibility that the international embarrassment will be a Chernobyl-type stimulus toward truly radical environmental action in China and around the world. But maybe that's fooling myself too."
'Citius, Altius, Fortius,' nonetheless, I guess. And the whole human-rights-violations piece aside, my heart does go out to the Chinese a bit - the West wouldn't have looked so hot hosting The Olympics during our industrial revolution, either.

1 comment:

ldbahr said...

Aw, reminds me of lovely Pittsburgh.