Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Hands, touching hands, reaching out....

An admission that will surprise no one: I love Caroline Kennedy.

Love her writing/editing, love the crucial early Barack endorsement, love the not giving her kids WASPY verb-present-tense nicknames, damaging a yacht in a drug-addled stupor, having an affair with the teenage babysitter, or any of the other Kennedy-cousin shenanigans that seem to plague the male members of the bloodline. I admire her shiny, shiny hair and her lifetime of public service with equal ardor, and I very much want her to be appointed to the U.S. Senate (David Patterson, I know you can't see it, so trust me: very shiny hair.)

And I think this kerfuffle about her wee upper-arm tattoo is awesome. Badass. Go, Caroline, with your terrible Asian butterfly-splotch thing. You are an example to those of us young women aspiring publicy to public leadership (and not-so-publicly to the ranks of the be-tatt'ed) everywhere.


Unknown said...

I assume you've seen the NYT article about Kennedy this morning. I think they make an excellent point. Caroline Kennedy strikes me as a classier and more attractive version of Terry McAuliffe - an insider with plenty of big-money connections but with relatively weak qualifications for public office. Beyond the name, I don't see a lot of rationale for electing her to the Senate. Surely there are plenty of more-deserving and harder working folks on the Dem bench in New York, of all places.

Unknown said...

Also good:

I'm open to being convinced, but I just don't see the case for her.