Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A VA Spot for Tammy Duckworth

I've been disappointed that this Tide of Talent that's swept into the Capitol with President Obama left behind Major Tammy Duckworth, whose compelling narrative - a double amputee veteran of the Iraq war - is rivaled only by her well-regarded work as director of Veterans Affairs in Illinois.

It's hard to deny that Gen. Shinseki was a better choice for VA Secretary, and the once-encouraging chatter about a possible appointment for her to Obama's vacated Senate seat didn't exactly... well, we all know how that one ended.

In any event, I'm thrilled to hear that she's been tapped for Assistant Secretary of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs at the VA. Her Congressional testimony during the Walter Reed hearings reveals an impressive command of the bureaucracy surrounding treatment for disabled veterans, I think - it's a great signal to our servicemembers and vets that they'll be in such capable hands.

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