Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The high art of reality television

My lack of familiarity with the terms of art in fashion means I have little capacity for trenchant analysis on the subject beyond "wow, pretty."

But images from Leanne Marshall's Fall 2009 showing last week at NY Fashion Week keep popping up on the internets and.... wow. so pretty.

I adore how accessible her design is, and how her rise seems to point to a streak of meritocracy in the fashion community that I wouldn't have believed existed - her garments that are so stunning not because of some esoteric "genius," but because they seem to reflect countless hours of study and work on shape and structure.

Perhaps I'm so enamored of her gowns (and coats! oh, the coat!) because it's a gorgeous celebration of detail and hard work, because it gives such a lovely form to wonkery.

Or maybe it's just that her collection is... wow. so pretty.

Also, three cheers for beautiful models who don't look like they need to be force-fed sandwiches!

More Fall 2009 collection here. More Leanne (including the final collection that won her the Project Runway title, with that gasp-inducing bridal gown) here.

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