Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Costofwar.com + Vanity Snark =

I love it.

goodness knows when Vanity Fair started carrying water for the Daily Kos set, but those rascals over at VF's "Politics and Power" blog took the now-infamous tab of Cindy's convention look and ran with it, resulting in this fun little balance sheet:

"That got us thinking: what does $300,000 mean to Americans who don't have the luxury of inheriting a gargantuan beer fortune?

To Cindy McCain, $300,000 is the price of an outfit.

To most Americans, $300,000 buys ...

... one and a half houses, given the national median home price of $206,500.

... a year's worth of health care for 750 people.

... the full array of back-to-school supplies and clothes for 500 kids.

... enough gas to drive cross-country 543 times.

... 365 round-trip flights from Washington, D.C., to Anchorage, Alaska. (John McCain should have splurged on at least one.)

... a three-course steak dinner (at Mat-su Resort) and a movie ticket (for the Mat-su Cinema) for every man, woman, and child in Wasilla, Alaska.

... enough money for three Troopergate investigations."


Anonymous said...

Cindy McCain's outfit cost enough to buy an average home.

ldbahr said...

well we couldn't have her looking like a peasant, now could we?