Friday, May 2, 2008

Sanctimonious gas(tax)-bag

HRC line of the week:

"Do [other members of Congress] stand with hard pressed Americans who are trying to pay their gas bills at the gas station or do they once again stand with the big oil companies? That’s a vote I’m going to try to get, because I want to know where they stand and I want them to tell us - are they with us or against us?” (NYT)

Seriously? Big Oil is licking its chops at the thought of this McCain-Clinton pandermonium. Even this kid, who barely squeaked through Econ201, understands that removing the tax increases demand which leads to higher prices and bigger profits for gas companies.

So if "us" stands for "gas at $4 a gallon (still) with no money going to highway funds and extra profits to the oil industry," then "against us" seems like a good place to be.

And really? "With us or against us?" I cringe for her.

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