Friday, August 8, 2008

Compounding the sleaziness...

... is the certainty that he waited until the first day of the Olympics (I'm being generous here and assuming not "until war broke out in South Ossetia," but really only because I don't think the overlap between salacious-gossip-consumers and followers-of-Georgian-military-action is that great), in the hopes that the story would get buried.

He is truly pathetic.


Unknown said...

Bill, McCain, Spitzer and now Edwards. Not to even begin on the list of sexual predators and hypocrites in Congress. Oy.

I'd bet my last dollar that John is the father, he's just compounding his sleaze at this point by denying it.

If Obama ever has an affair, I dunno what I'll do.

... and what, no Cristol commentary on the Nikki Tinker implosion?

Anonymous said...

Just be glad he didn't try to earn sympathy by mentioning his dad's mill again.