Wednesday, May 7, 2008

"It's OUR party, Paul."

I finally tracked down video of Donna Brazile's dressing down of Paula Begala last night on CNN - plus blogger Jason Linkins' editorializing wisecracks - on Huffington Post.

I tend to wear my reactions to television (and books, and magazines, and blogs. I'm an engaged media consumer, what?) on my sleeve, but I can't remember the last time I cheered this loudly for someone who couldn't hear me. I'm left, as always, wondering why Brazile herself doesn't run for office.

Encouraging to have someone call out Begala on doing the GOP's work when he cleaves the "eggheads" from "the little guys." Such an important reminder, too, that an awful lot of black people also wear blue collars. Oh, and that Donna has "drank more beers with Joe Sixpack and Jane Sixpack than most white Democrats."


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