Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Jesse White for Senate!

Nothing to brighten a rainy Tuesday like a bit of soap-opera theatrics on the Hill, and the Senate's refusal to seat Roland Burris today (the Blago-pick) is rife with it. Mostly I feel sorry for the fellow, and he seems to be conducting himself through this sideshow with a modicum of dignity.

But, by far the best part of this ordeal is the persona behind the drama's current act: Jesse White, the Illinois Secretary of State who refused to certify Blagojevich's appointment. This guy is fabulous - a Chicago pol who actually cleaned up corruption, and a former paratrooper, schoolteacher, and minor-leaguer for the Chicago Cubs. Here's my favorite part of the biography:
"While he's the first African-American to serve as Illinois Secretary of State, Jesse White is probably just as well-known for founding the Jesse White Tumblers. It's an organization that tries to keep youth out of trouble through athletics. White, who turned 73 in 2007, often has appeared at parades and sporting events with his tumbling team."

Fantastic! Note to whoever eventually resolves this fiasco: could there be a better choice?

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